Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Zoo, Museum or Library?

    If I had to choose between living in a zoo, museum, or a library I would defiantly choose the zoo. Why I would choose it is a whole different story I'm not to sure why I would, but the first thing that comes to mind is challenging myself to tame a lion and ride it where ever I want to. Think about it. Lion. Tamed. You get to ride it. Whats better than that? NOTHING. well except maybe and ostrich that would be cool too.... yeah an ostrich but nothing else until I get bored and when you get bored.... you go wrestle a alligator. **** yeah ill wrestle an alligator that would be sweet. Hmmmmm what else could I possibly do in a zoo? I could face off with a hippo? Maybe i'd put a helmet on and go head to head with a bighorn sheep? Ohhh i'd have a boxing match with a kangaroo, myself winning for sure. Just thinking about this makes me wanna do this now, there are many possible things I could do if I had to live in a zoo for the rest of my life you just got to use your imagination and be creative. But knowing Myself I would probably die pretty quick knowing all my ideas if I got into a situation like this so I'm just gonna stick with chilling and making sure I don't get into something like this ever.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Cell Phones

      The purpose of this article is to show people how our world is changing. Back in the day there were no cellphones or no ways to comunicate unless face to face with someone. Now a days everything is over text and not face to face its basically showing how are generations are changing and how they will be 10 years down the road, they will have no communication skills what so ever and its only going to get worse. One point that the author uses in this article is people in movie theatres they think if they keep there cellphone hidden noone will see the glare of there screen but they are wrong thats the number one thing that people complain about in movies is people on there cellphones texting, which the people arent able to enjoy cause of it. Another point the other uses in his/hers article is when people on dates from date sites like "Zoosk" they say they leave early from there dates cause the other person would constantly look at there cellphone as the person said "Were losing our one on one people skills and ability to engage in uninterrupted, focused conversations" when your on a date there should be no cellphones period it just shows you how people are changing. The distraction towards drivers and other related distractions went through the roof in july when police officers charging more than 2,000 people and one women so prooccupied with her cellphone "she didnt even notice the sirens flagging her down". My beliefs on cellphones is that there is a place and isnt a place for cellphones and you should know where thoughs places are or when you shouldnt use them its called respect and for everyone around them.

      For me acceptible places for using cellphones are when your not having a conversation with someone or when your not doing anything that envolves you to listen to anyone but yourself. Its just a respect thing that you should know when to and when not to use a cellphone its pretty simple. using your cell phone while driving is not a great idea at all it says that "About 6,000 deaths and a half a million injuries are caused by distracted drivers every year". this is caused by one small little device that fits in the palm or your hand. But they are also a good thing to like if your ever lost and have to find someones house or you injured 911 is in the palm of your hand. Over all like I said there are times you should use your cellphones and there are lots of times that you shouldnt its just your responsability to figure out thoughs times when you should and when you shouldnt.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Road Project

The Road by Cormac McCarthy
"It was getting colder but they had campfires all night" (pg 30)

     This quote in the book The Road by Cormac McCarthy makes me think about when my dad would take my brother and i camping and every night we would have a huge fire that would last the whole night which in the book they'd do that every night which was something I could relate to. Camping was a way for me to bond with my dad cause your out in the wilderness instead of being in the city life where know one is and you pretty much go into survival mode. Camping was a way for me to bond with family and to be one with nature and made me pursue a career that does just that. Its something that makes you go out an explore new things and everything around you. If you have ever camped before you should know the feeling where your sitting beside the fire listening to the crackle of the wood, the frogs in the lake, and the crickets in the hills. This book book helps me connected to the character through a father/son perspective it makes me see how much the boy looks up to his dad just like I do and how much the dad wants to protect the boy and teach him knew things.

    The quote shows me that the character is eager to survive and to get to the coast no matter what obstacle stands in his way, because everything he does is to survive and keep the boy safe. Its one of thoughs father instincts where the dad basically does everything to protect the boy in rough situations like this like every father would do. This shows you that no matter what happens in your life if you keep and open mind and eager to get through it you will succeed and get to were you are going. This basically makes me believe that this is the theme to the book if you keep and open mind and have that mind set you will survive.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Super Power

The thought of having any super power i could possible imagine has really got me thinking. If i could have any super power it would have to be if i snapped my fingers 5 grand would appear in the palm of my hand. You may not think this is an actually power but think of this...  having unlimited money is amazing, you can snap your fingers a few times and buy a new car or snap your fingers a couple more times and you can buy yourself a nice new truck crazy yet? what about this, lets say you had a really rich friend or family member who had stacks and stacks of money and decided to make it rain, well you could show him up and make it rain stacks, if I was your friend or family member id be really impressed wouldn't you? Lets say you wanna be generous just snap you fingers 20 or 30 times and you can give over 100 grand to every charity of your choice impressed yet? How about all you girls out there, you love shopping right? You could have anything you possible could imagine. Walk into any store and buy anything you want. What about the guys out there, 5 grand in the palm of you hand that would be sooo sick, If your a snowboarder buy the most expensive boards and bindings in the world.